- I expect every applicant is ready to take the practical test
- This means you have the training for the rating you are seeking
- Your logbook is complete, totaled and signed
- You have looked up and written down the topics missed on your written exam
- Be sure you meet the time, distance and training requirements for the rating sought
- Endorsements are complete and up to date (AC 61-65H)
- Don’t forget 61.39 endorsement for every flight test
- A 61.49 endorsement is required for a retest
- The aircraft logs are current and compliant
- The aircraft is airworthy
- The 8710-1 form is complete and accurate (It is the recommending instructors responsibility to ensure the 8710-1 form is correct)
- For Private applicants: Total time is equal to Instruction Received plus Solo/Pic time.
- Solo time is only logged before you have received your Private pilot rating.
- Box II on the 8710-1 is for the airplane to be used for the test. For example, if you are using a 172P do not include the time you have in a 172N. Use only the 172P time.
- The applicant is familiar with the ACS or PTS that is appropriate for the rating sought
- The applicant has their photo ID, FTN, Username and Password and Medical (if required) available
- I suggest you use the “Do Not Use” option for the Social Security Number. If you use your Social Security Number on the 8710-1 be sure that you have proof that it is your SSN.
- Use the same identifier you used for box II (A)(1) for Aircraft to be used: (See below)
- Do not leave II(A)(2)(b) blank. 0 hours is acceptable.
You must have logged as per 61.107, ground instruction. Be sure your instructor has entered the
ground instruction in your logbook.
If you have reviewed (line by line) the appropriate ACS or PTS for your test, with your instructor, you
will be familiar with the questions I must ask you to certify you for the certificate or rating you are
applying for.
You have information Alpha. Remember this!